Lawn & Garden Center

Our NEW Lawn and Garden Center OPEN! Stop in!

Our lawn and garden department has what you need to get your lawn off to a good start and to get your garden going. We have a great selection of locally grown vegetables and bedding plants and garden seed as well as expert advice to assist you.

Our sales staff is here to help you with your lawn and garden questions and we have what you need to get it done right. Grass seed, lime, fertilizer as well as herbicides and pesticides will make you lawn the envy of the neighborhood.

Some of the major brands that we carry are Scotts, Miracle-Gro, Hi-Yield, Espoma, Ferti-lome, and Roundup.

Visit Our Lawn & Garden Suppliers

Our lawn and garden department has what you need to get your lawn off to a good start and to get your garden going.